Making Changes to Your Lot or Dwelling
In accordance with Article V, Section 5.0 of the Bylaws of Lynn Creek Hills Homeowners Association, “no structure shall be commenced, erected, placed moved onto or permitted to remain on any Lot, nor shall any existing Structure upon any Lot be altered in any way which materially changes the exterior appearance of the Structure or Lot “ prior to the approval of plans and specifications by the ACC.
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is provided by Article V of the Bylaws of Lynn Creek Hills Homeowners Association. The ACC assures that any installation, construction, or alteration of any Structure on any Lot:
- Conforms and is harmonious in external design and general quality with the existing standards of the Development and Design Standards
- Is properly located with respect to topography, finished ground elevation and surrounding structures.
Submissions to the ACC should include a site plan showing:
- location of all proposed and existing Structures on the lot
- exterior elevations of all proposed Structures and alterations to existing structures as they will appear after backfilling and landscaping are completed
- Details on materials, color scheme, lighting, and other details affecting the exterior appearance of all proposed Structures and alterations to existing Structures.
Download the ACC Project Approval form by clicking the link.
For details on the ACC or submissions click here: Section 5.02-5.13 of the Bylaws of Lynn Creek Hills Homeowners Association.